Samantha Weeraratne 'launched' his music career at the age of four when he gave his first singing performance on the SLBC program, 'Mal kiyanne kaata kaata'. This marked the first of many stage and public performances throughout his school years and music has been an integral part of his life ever since. Samantha went on to study under renowned artists Nanda Malini and Lakshman Wijeysekera and also studied oriental music as part of his school curriculum. His classical music career culminated in the release of his first original CD 'Venadaa Wage' in Melbourne in 2002.
Samantha has also been an active member of the music community of Melbourne, participating in and organising numerous cultural and social events over the past 20 years. He has been involved in a number of bands and most recently, has joined forces with his sister, Kanchana Weeraratne to form 'Groove Investor'. Reflective of the diversity of Samantha's musical interests and background, 'Groove Investor' plays a range of styles from classical Sinhala through to baila and Western classics through to modern rock and pop. |