Ingredients1/2 lb Karavila (bitter melon or bitter gourd)
1 tbsp salt (or to taste)
1 scallion (loonu kola)
2 medium-sized onions
4 tbsp veg oil
6 cloves garlic, minced
3 small tomatoes, chopped
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
Trim away the two pointed ends of the Karavila and
cut them in half lengthwise. Remove the pale, seeded
section with a spoon and discard it. Cut the darker
green outer shells crosswise, at a slight diagonal, into
1/4 inch wide strips. Prepare a solution of 2 cups
water and 1 tbsp salt in a bowl. Put the Karavila
strips into this bowl and set aside for 2 hours.
Drain the Karavila and rinse the strips under
running water. Drain again and pat dry.
Cut the scallion into 2 inch lengths and then cut each section
lengthwise into thin strips. Peel the onions and cut them in
half lengthwise; then slice them into fine half rings.
Heat the oil in a skillet over a medium flame. When hot, put
in the garlic, fry until garlic is light brown. Add the onions.
Stir and fry for 2 minutes. Add tomatoes. Stir and fry 2
minutes. Add Karavila, turn down the heat. Stir occasionally
and fry around 10 minutes or until Karavila is tender.
Stir in beated eggs and the salt. Stir and cook as you would
scrambled eggs until eggs have reached a consistency you like.
Remove from heat, add scallion strips and serve.
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