Rice with meat and beans(Iranian)
1 cup meat cut into small cubes 1 cup green beans cut in small slices 2 table spoons tomato paste 1 big onion 1 teaspoon cinnammon powder gee or any vegetable oil for tempering, salt, (half of a green pepper cut finely) a little saffron powder or saffron threads a few powdered Wash and keep the rice ready. Cut the onion in small pieces and fry with the vegetable gee, add the meat (previously boiled) and all the spices and tomatopaste, beans (cooked previously) and temper them well. U could add more vegetable oil as U wish to keep the rice grains from pasteing together. Now put the rice in a rice cooker and once half boiled add the mixture and mix well so that the rice turns reddish.
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