Sons of two senior Minister's released on bail

Jan 17 (IL) Colombo Fort Magistrate Sarath C.Karunaratne today warned Minister Mahinda Wijesekara to be more vigilant on the behaviour of his children as a responsible minister. The magistrate gave this warning to him after his sons were released on bail; Minister S.B. Dissanayake’s son was also involved in the incident and was released on bail.

The Ministers sons are accused of attacking a group of relatives of Minister Kabir Hashim at a nightclub last week. The official vehicle of minister Hashim was also damaged in the brawl. The Ministers sons attacked the victims with bicycle chains and logs.

The five suspects including three sons of two ministers were produced in the Colombo fort magistrate’s court today. They were release on a bail of 5000 rupees each. The suspects were prohibited from leaving the country without permission from the judiciary. They were ordered to appear in courts again on the 27th of this month.