Assortment of Jokes Posted by Senevi on 12/01/2004 -------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why is Newfea's car has wind shield wipers inside? ------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why does Newfea wanted to marry an African Woman? ----------------------------------------------------------- 90 year old depressed lady visited her Doctor and asked, "Where is the heart located?" The Dr. replied, "Right under the breast". The next day she shot her knee! --------------------------------------------------------- For her birthday the husband presented the wife a typewriter. Few days later the wife while typing mentioned to the husband, that the period doesnt seems to appear. So the husband returned the typewriter to the shop that he bought , complaining that his wife mentioned that the period doesn't seem to appear. -------------------------------------------------------- Good remedy for over-weight is See- food. See food on your plate. -------------------------------------------------------- At the office Christmas party the CEO asked the Gen. Manager, "Do you speak to the wife after sex?" ---------------------------------------------------------- Girl very much in love asked the boyfriend, if they get engaged, whether he would give her a ring. ---------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why is Santa Claus has no children. ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
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