Smartest man
Posted by Heshan on 10/10/2001:

One day a plane was going down and there was 6 people on the plane but only 5 parachutes. There was the smartest man in the world, the richest man in the world, an old man, a little kid, a pilot, and a co-pilot. The pilot and co-pilot said we have children so we have to jump. The smartest man in the world said I have knowledge to give so I have to jump. The richest man in the world said well I have have money to spend so I have to jump. So then there was the old man and little boy. The old man said I have lived a full life and you haven't so you take the last parachute. Then the little boy said no we can both jump. So the old man said how is that? The little boy said well the smartest man in the world took my backpack.

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